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The Shocking Way The Hunger Hormone Inhibits Fertility

Some people are just hungry all the time. And if you are trying for pregnancy, this is not healthy.

This hunger can be seemingly out of proportion to the consumption of food. It’s regulated in many ways, one of which is through the hormone ghrelin is that affects your metabolism and makes you have both triggers feelings of hunger , and a change in what your body does with food.

When ghrelin is triggered food intake increases, and you begin to store fat. When this happens your fertility will decrease.

It’s also released when we are stressed; although cortisol is one reason for this, ghrelin is part of the reason we want to eat when we feel emotional or under pressure.

Neuroscientists at RMIT in Australia have reported how ghrelin affects fertility in mice. works in mice.

These researchers found that when ghrelin is increased the ovary has fewer eggs in reserve.

So having a balanced diet, and keeping your metabolism steady, it is very likely to actually be beneficial for fertility.


Suzanne Trupin, MD, Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and owner of Women's Health Practice, Hada Cosmetic Medicine, and Hatha Yoga and Fitness

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