Our Gyno Health

Heavy Periods Defined

All women and girls who have menstrual periods should have a yearly discussion with their provider about the duration and nature of their periods so we can help you understand it what you are experiencing is normal.

If you are reading on line about heavy periods, there are many terms that you may encounter, such as menorrhagia or meno-metorrhagia, which have been poorly defined, and mostly abandoned, so search for more modern terminology.

AUB refers to abnormal uterine bleeding, essentially ‘not normal menstrual period’ bleeding.

HMB: heavy menstrual bleeding is defined as bleeding that is abnormally heavy (increased passing or loss of blood), but occurring at regular cyclic intervals. Women having this problem are typically ovulating.

Since iron deficiency is so common with HMB you should get checked for anemia.

If you have heavy periods, and also have unusual bruising, bloody noses, gum bleeding, or family history of these sorts of bleeding symptoms, you may have a bleeding disorder and should be tested for one.

We are taking new patients at Women’s Health Practice and hope to see you soon!


Suzanne Trupin, MD, Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and owner of Women's Health Practice, Hada Cosmetic Medicine, and Hatha Yoga and Fitness

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