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Emsella™ Technology For Incontinence Therapy

Urinary incontinence can be due to a variety of causes, many of which are transient, but all are treatable. Treatment of urinary incontinence always involves having the healthiest pelvic muscles possible. A new technology using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) for a non-invasive way to treat incontinence has been developed; Emsella™ is actually beneficial for the health of many aspects of your pelvic muscles.

Incontinence can be due to an overactive bladder, or to stress incontinence. If you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, exercise, or strain to have a bowel movement, it is called stress incontinence. Medically women report with overactive bladder that they have a sudden and compelling desire to pass urine that is difficult to defer. Causes are listed in Table 2. Physicians might also term this urgency. Women say that it’s not a sensation that can be avoided, when they experience this sensation, they have to go to the bathroom very quickly, or they may not be able to hold their pee. of running to urinate very frequently. Emsella™ Technology has been FDA Cleared for non-invasive treatment of stress incontinence for women. Clinical research studies have found it effective for overactive bladder symptoms, sexual issues, and prevention of pelvic floor weakness.

Emsella™ technology uses electromagnetic waves to generate effective whole pelvic floor Kegel type contractions. The patented technology also uses muscle relaxation cycles to eliminate muscle lactic acid accumulation, thus avoiding discomfort and soreness. Women and men who complete a painless 28 minute treatment cycle can immediately resume all regular activities.

The muscular improvement of the pelvic floor muscles is accompanied by improved physiology including the improvements. Most of the data has been done on a series of 6 treatments performed over a 3 week period of time. Some individuals will not require follow up therapy, others may want to have follow up treatments every 3-6 months.

The first step in treating incontinence is to get a medical evaluation. Many health care providers are trained and can give you a full evaluation, but at Women’s Health Practice, we have both Board Certified Gynecologists, experts in pelvic floor issues, and the most experience in Central Illinois in the evaluation and treatment of these conditions. In addition to the evaluation of the pelvic floor, the pelvic examination can evaluate the skin of the vulvar area, evidence of any gynecologic infections, the size and position of the uterus, any complicating factors, such as rectal issues like hemorrhoids, as well as other medical conditions that may be contributory. Hormone imbalance correction, smoking cessation, proper sleep, nutrition, and cardiovascular health are all beneficial to pelvic floor health as well!

Incontinence that is not due to a new urinary tract infection, or an unusual bout of coughing, but is ongoing can be caused by conditions that most of us have. Weakening tissues from a vaginal birth or years of straining with lifting or straining, while theoretically natural, can produce a variety of symptoms from mild, including decreased tightness with sex, to more severe such as chronic bladder infections, leaking urine, stool or even painful sex. Vaginal, pelvic, and vulvar muscles and ligaments thin and weaken, the supporting structures also stretch and tear, and the surface tissues that produce moisture can thin over time as well. All of these concerns can be treated, and you can maintain lifelong vaginal health. While it is most dramatic in women, overactive bladder issues can occur in men as well.

Alternative medical treatments for overactive bladder and stress incontinence are listed in Table 4. It is difficult to achieve 100% effectiveness for any treatment, but over 90% of clients have significant improvement. Custom designed combination therapy which might mean hormonal management, medication, pelvic floor therapy, the use of other pelvic floor technology are often prescribed. About 50-75% of women on medication for overactive bladder will report negative side effects, and find themselves on long term medication management. We encourage consultation to see if the Emsella™ treatment would be right for you.

By Suzanne Trupin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., N.C.M.P.

Author of Feminine Beauty, CEO of Women’s Health Practice, Hada Cosmetic Medicine, and Hatha Yoga and Fitness

Emsella™ Treatments run $250, package pricing discounts available either for Emsella series, or in combination with other pelvic floor therapies including ThermiVa™, MonaLisaTouch™, or Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments.


Suzanne Trupin, MD, Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and owner of Women's Health Practice, Hada Cosmetic Medicine, and Hatha Yoga and Fitness

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